Friday, December 11, 2009

Week of December 14, 2009

Dear Families: We sure are getting closer to the holiday season. Just a reminder (my teachers insisted I write this!!!) that the students' last day is December 18. Return date is January 4, 2010. We hope you all have a fun filled and happy holiday...

We have a request from PTA: They are collecting 600 milk/sweet tea jugs for an earth day project. If you would send them to school, we will pass them on to the PTA.

Please make plans to join us for our Fifth grade Chorus this Tuesday night. The singing will begin at 6:30 and a little birdie told me we may all be asked to sing a song together for the holidays!! PTA will be serving yummy desserts afterwards. This would be a great time to have fellowship with our students, their friends and families. Please try to join us for this special event.

The cafeteria asked us to explain to you that we do not bill overdue lunches until they reach $10.00. Those accounts that eventually turn into free and reduced lunches still owe the prior balance. Our cafeteria is down $1200.00 from overdue lunches not paid just so far this year.

And a final reminder that if you are able, please see Miss Elaine in the front office to help with the Angel Tree. The family child you pick will only be known to our Guidance team. If you and your family can provide a gift or clothing for a child who is not so fortunate, please think about a doing the Angel Tree at Blair. All gifts and proceeds benefit Blair students 100%. We thank you for your generosity and kindness in advance.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. We are secretly hoping for just a sprinkle of snow one morning....Be warm, be safe, be happy!

Yours in education,

Barbara Stock

Friday, December 4, 2009

Week of December 7, 2009

Dear Parents:

We will be publishing our School Improvement Team notes on line. If you are interested in what we discuss and what decisions we make for the good of our students, please follow the link on our Blair web page.

This is the month of our Angel tree. If you are able and this is optional, we would appreciate if you stop in the front office and pick an angel off our tree. It has a number that will identify a student in need. We have asked the parents to identify three items each child needs and one toy item. You may pick whichever angel off the tree you would like. Buy the requested gift, wrap it, and return it with the Angel. We will then have families pick up holiday items before our Christmas break time. This will ensure that all students will enjoy the holidays with some types of gifts.

On Wednesday, our PTA is sponsoring a night out at ON THE BORDER at Mayfaire. Dinner inside will be served from 5-9 pm and some proceeds will be given to our PTA. Please help us show our support for the PTA. Also, if you have not joined yet, please do so by the first of the year. We truly appreciate all your support. This is an easy fundraiser-shop Mayfair for Christmas and stop in for dinner, then continue shopping!!!

Upcoming events:

December 15: PTA Chorus presentation and dessert fellowship night @ 7:00 pm.
December 18-last day for students before the new year.

Have a wonderful week. If there is anything you need, need to know or want to ask, please feel free to contact me at 350-2045 or barbara.stock@nhcs.local We will be happy to help you with whatever you need to know!!

Have a great week.

Yours in Education
Barbara Stock, Principal