Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week of November 2, 2009

Dear Parents: Students had a short week last week, and hopefully you all had a great time spending some quality time with your children (especially after Trick or Treat time!)

The first week of November will bring the following things:
1. There will probably be a Fire Drill this week. We practice
faithfully once a month. Safety first!

2. Grade 2 will be touring Poplar Grove Friday, November 6th.
From right after school to 7:00 pm, students and families are
invited to participate in a fundraiser activity from the PTA--
The Wilmington Ice House will be available for Blair Students
this Friday. Be sure to tell them where you are from!!! There
is also a pizza dinner special available. Have fun!!!!

3. Just an FYI-Report crds will be sent home Monday, November 9th.

Have a great weekend and a great next week. Take the time to look at all the beautiful colors that our trees are finally turning....
Yours in Education, Barbara Stock

Friday, October 23, 2009

Week of October 26, 2009

Dear Parents: Happy End of the Month!!

This week is our REd Ribbon Week. Fun activities this week at school include the following:

Monday: "Sock It To Drugs Day" (wear crazy socks.) Please send a pair of shoes too!!!

Tuesday: "Dont Let Drugs Turn You Inside Out Day" (OK-you can let your children wear something inside long as it will not be disruptive to the learning of others throughout the school day.)

Wednesday: "Red Rally Pledge Day-Thumbs Down to Drugs." (Wear Red or how about a red-orange for pumpkin time? Sheriff's Dept. will fingerprint students.)

Thursday: "I'm a "jean"-ius because I am Drug Free Day." All students and faculty are asked to wear appropriate jeans!!

This is also a short week (and a short blog to match). Students have a half-day on Thursday and will dismiss at noon. Be sure you let the teacher know how your child will be getting home. A change in transportation will need to be in writing to the teacher or the front office please. All students will have a lunch before the 12:00 dismissal bell.

What else is happening in our neck of the woods?
Monday: Science kits will be delivered to all classrooms.

Tuesday: Chick delivery for grade 2. We hatch chicks from eggs.

Wednesday: Lots of learning going on!!

Thursday: Dismissal at noon. PTA is providing a Harvest Lunch at 12:15 pm. for our faculty:) Faculty will be in afternoon workshops about Problem Solving strategies for students, medical alerts about our students and how to use the Media Center locators.
Happy Weekend. Rest, relax and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Yours in Education
Barbara Stock, Principal

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week of October 19, 2009

Dear Parents: This week will be bringing in some true Fall weather. Be sure your child has an extra sweater or sweatshirt at school in case it gets chilly. We do go outside unless it is raining or temperatures are extremely cold and windy.

We are welcoming Mrs. Debra Baucom to our Fourth Grade team. She is no stranger to Blair...her children have gone to Blair and she has been a long-term substitute here several times. We are sorry to see Mrs. Lagas-Rivera leave, but her reasoning will help her and her family make some positive life-style changes. We wish her and Simon good luck and good learning ahead.

This week brings us closer to holiday season activities. We abide by the "separation of state and church" ideals...therefore, we do not "party"...but we "celebrate" the Fall, the Winter and the Spring hlidays. We will have a Fall celebration in classrooms around the 28th of October, but we will not be wearing costumes, will not be wearing masks nor coloring hair or doing anything that will distract from the learning of your child or others.

Please remember your students have a 1/2 day of school on the 29th of October. Dismissal is at 12:00 noon. Please send us a note in writing if your child is going home a different way that day. Also, please be home early to welcome your child home. Bus route times will differ, so expect your child between 12:15-12:30 depending on when your child gets off the bus. We will feed all students lunch before they go home (It is the law). Teachers will be using the afternoon time for required staff development that fits with their Individual Growth Plans. There is no school for students on October 30th. Enjoy the long weekend.

Things to remember this week:
Grade 1 has a FireMen visit Monday morning from 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Makeup Picture Day is on Wednesday.
Mrs. Viola's class does a Tarheels trip on Wednesday.

Have a wonderful week...

Barbara Stock

Friday, October 9, 2009

Week of October 12, 2009

Dear Parents: Thank you for all your kind comments on the websites for our teachers. We work hard to have your students have 21st Century skills, and are finding more and more parents reading the blogs and sites themselves. We are also using "dibels" and "ClassScape" technology to help us assess your children and ensure they are learning and growing at the proper rates (if not more!)

Please plan ahead for October is a half-day with dismissal at noon. The 30th is a day off for students, but teachers will have workshops to attend.

The Alert Phone System has been enacted. If your child is tardy, you will receive a phone call that your child may be absent with this system. Please call us and let us change your child's status if you receive this Alert call in error. Modern technology is great, but still relies on humans to fix it!!

This week: Third graders have CoGat Achievement testing makeups.
Open House is Thursday from 6:30-7:30 (3 20 minute
rotations. Individual newsletters should have the
explanation of rotations. We are doing this so that
parents with multiple children can visit each classroom.
Our Book Fair will be open from 6:00-8:00 pm as well.
Research shows that reading is one of the best
indicators to student success. Please spend 20-30 minutes nightly reading with or to your child. If you
model the expectations, hopefully your child will

Have a wonderful week. Please feel free to call me at 350-2045 X504

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week of October 6, 2009

Dear Parents:

This has been a nice, quiet week, so I think everyone has settled down, routines have become routine, and everyone is busy teaching and learning.

We have several field trips planned this week for Grades 2, 3 and 4, so be sure to check your child's weekly newsletters for details. Grade 3 will also be taking the CoGat Test. This 3-day test (about an hour daily) will give us some insight into your child's achievement, whether your child is working up to his/her potential, and will also give us an extra piece of data to determine your child's best learning styles and teacher course of action for your child. We also use this test to determine some part of eligibility for the Gifted Program.

We are sure that you have heard we are "green" at Blair! From Friday, Monday and Tuesday we have collected enough paper to save one tree. Needless to say, we are working on our own little forest to save in Wilmington! Our PTA is helping us weigh paper weekly and students can graph the results. Besides paper, we are also sorting plastic (mostly from water bottles)and aluminum cans as now required in Wilmington. Our children are learning early that our landfills need to be safe places without hazardous waste that does not decompose. We also are saving the juicy packs that our students bring for snacks and lunch. Do you know that we get 2 cents a piece for them? Doesn't sound like much does it? Well, we have made about $10 on them already! If you use them at home, please send them in! Our PTA is steering this program to help put $ into instructional projects throughout the year. If you have not joined PTA yet, please think about doing so.

Hope you have a happy week.

Sincerely, Barbara Stock, Principal